Jamii-niko Consult (JC)-KENYA







Mr. Nicholas Mbillo

(Managing Partner, jc)



P. O BOX 4


Email: nimbilo@yahoo.ie

Mobile: +254 705715033



Summary……………………………….…………..………… 3

Project Budget .……………………………….……..………… 4

Project Monitoring and Evaluation Systems……………………… 4

Project Sustainability…………………………………….……… 5



St. Francis Secondary Education Scholarship Program (FRASESP) is aimed primarily at providing the disadvantaged children in the region with the means to access secondary education. This way, the program will bridge illiteracy and poverty gaps that exist in Loitoktok, which are the main obstacles to the development of the local communities. The problem issues this project deals with include lack of sufficient means to generate sufficiently sustainable income to provide for the basic needs including school fees. This is due to social, economic, political and ecological realities prevailing in the Loitoktok and the Kenya at large.

First, Christ the King secondary School is a day school located along the Emali-Loitoktok road in Kimana, Kajiado County- the homeland of the Maasai community in Kenya. The region is largely semi-arid, receiving very little rainfall insufficient to support economic activities like livestock keeping, food production both for domestic consumption and for sale to provide for other basic needs. Secondly, most of the local populace, for most times live below poverty level since they are not in any formal employment due to illiteracy. Therefore, most of them are unable to pay school fees for their children. Thirdly, this region is among the marginalized communities in Kenya politically since it has no infrastructure development to support social and economic development. Fourthly, the existence lack of access to secondary education by most children is serious injustice and infringement of their rights to provision for their basic needs. Moreover, a minority children accessing secondary education while majority of them do not is very unfair since the society (government) does not lay level playing ground for all children especially those challenged with special needs. This means that the disadvantaged ones lack competitive power –knowledge, and will never rise thus will continue to languish in poverty.

Therefore, the overall objective of FRASESP is to provide monies needed by the fifty beneficiaries to cater for secondary education and is designed, proposed to be implemented by Jamii-niko Consult in partnership with Father Serem and Christ the King Secondary School amidst their local community. The program activities include resource mobilization, beneficiary admission in Christ the King Secondary School and beneficiary maintenance throughout the four years of their secondary education program.

All the financial resources required for full implementation of this proposed project amount to EURO €.116,550 only. We therefore request in your kindness and generosity to find favor with our beneficiaries and with our program and support us fully or partially with the monies we require to implement it for the number of cycles of study within your means and financial capabilities. Since the project life cycle is four years, the funding can be in four phases as follows: First year: €31,500, Second year: €26,500, Third year: €26,500 and Fourth year: €26,500.

Note: For one beneficiary the monies need for the four phases is as follows: First year: €630, Second year: €530, Third year: €530 and Fourth year: €530.



The table below represents a four-year financial budget analysis for the proposed St. Francis Education Scholarship Program in Christ the King Secondary School-Kimana. It includes all items, activities and their respective costs.


Costs in Euros

Fifty beneficiaries’ preparation and admission in secondary schools[1]          


Fifty beneficiaries’ school fees for the four years secondary education[2]


Terminal and annual beneficiaries’ progress and development follow-up programs[3]


Annual beneficiaries’ and their families get-togethers


Subtotal for four years in Euros


Contingency 5% (of 111,000)


Grand total for four years in Euros




The progress of St. Francis Secondary Education Scholarship Program will be conducted in quarterlies. The exercises, will ascertain whether the project operates within anticipated timelines and budgets and whether it achieves its anticipated results and their extents. We will accordingly give justifications for such outcomes then suggest any necessary corrective actions. Similarly, the success of each stage of the project, their outcomes and extents will be reviewed and give their justification and suggest any necessary corrective actions for any subsequent stages/projects. Moreover, all the findings of the Program Monitoring and Evaluation exercises will be documented and reports generated. The reports will be shared among partners and the funding partners of the Secondary Education Scholarship Program.



Some sustainability strategies will include creation of capital fund for investments, local fundraising and diversification of program partners to outsource more funds for the program.

Moreover, as the program advances thus the exiting beneficiaries develop professionally and become more and more financially stable, we will be establishing their network and make them future benefactors in the same program. Therefore, will establish a program wherein the financially stable former beneficiaries will adopt other incoming beneficiaries to act as their mentors and benefactors. These benefactors will sponsors the new incoming beneficiaries thus pay school fees for their secondary and tertiary education and the chain continues. If this chain continues as such for at least ten years, the program will be so big that it will transform our society and the world beyond.


[1] 100€ For procuring school uniforms, baggage and other necessary materials required while joining form 1, once for the fifty beneficiaries

[2] 450 € Average annual costs for school (tuition) fees per person, times four years, times fifty beneficiaries

[3] 20 € Home visitations of the beneficiaries by school , once per term, times four years